February 29, 2008

Cloth Nappies

Posted in Baby, Green tagged , , , at 11:58 am by vicii

This is day two of using cotton nappies for Izzy. The first one leaked but this was my fault because I left it on for too long before changing it, but this has made sure that I change them regularly and ensure that they are fitted securely.  I don’t know whether this means that Izzy likes them or not but after having no dirty nappies for almost the first week of her life, yesterday she decided to have three in a row – yes all in cotton washable nappies instead of disposables…. lovely!  I preferred it when she just had one a day, still she appears to be going through a bit of a growth spurt at the moment and is being fed every three hours (it was four) and feeding takes approx 40 minutes… heaven knows how I manage to get anything done with a two hour window between feeds!

But I digress, I feel that I am now getting used to the cotton nappies especially now that I am in a routine of feeding then changing.  The one task I need to keep on top of is with my washing.  Apparently in the notes that came with the nappies, with the 20 that I have, this should allow me to do a wash every other day without running out…. Anyway I am happy with the way they fit and keep little one dry (no nappy rash yet!)and would thoroughly recommend them